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Experimental Environment

Our experimental environment consists of a network of eight DEC Alpha 2000 workstations running at 233 MHz, equipped with 128 MBytes of main memory each. The workstations are connected through an Ethernet interconnection network, a 100 Mbps FDDI, and a Memory Channel Interconnection Network [16]. These three interconnection networks represent three different generations of LANs: Ethernet is a traditional low-bandwidth network that provides low-cost connectivity without ambitious performance goals. FDDI is a high-bandwidth network that provides higher speed at a slightly increased cost. Memory Channel is a very high-bandwidth network that was designed to make possible a wide range of high performance applications in Networks of Workstations. Each workstation is equipped with a 6GB local disk.

In our experiments we demonstrated the performance of RRVM and compared it with its predecessor RVM [25].

We have experimented with four system configurations:

Evangelos Markatos
Fri Apr 11 14:07:02 EET DST 1997