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Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems Division Operating Systems and HPCN

WWW Performance

This project deals with exploiting caching and prefetching mechanisms to reduce the high latency of the world-wide Web.


Staff :

  • Evangelos Markatos, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
  • Manolis Katevenis, Professor of Computer Science
  • Dionisios Pnevmatikatos, Researcher of Computer Science
  • Students:

  • Michael Flouris
  • Athanasios Papathanasiou
  • Nektarios Papadakakis
  • Relevant Publications:

  • Evangelos P. Markatos: On Caching Search Engine Query Results. Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, to appear. Available: compressed postscript (33 KBytes).
  • Evangelos P. Markatos, Manolis G.H. Katevenis, Dionisis Pnevmatikatos, and Michail Flouris: Secondary Storage Management for Web Proxies. In Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems (USITS99), 1999, pp. 93-104, Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, Technical Committee on the Internet. Available: compressed PostScript 40 KB.
  • Evangelos P. Markatos Athanasios E. Papathanasiou, and Nektarios Papadakakis Visualizing Traffic on the World Wide Web. WebNet Journal: Internet Technologies, Applications and Issues. 1(2), pp. 57-65, April-June 1999.
  • Evangelos P. Markatos: A Cash-based Approach to Caching Web Documents, Technical Report 230, ICS-FORTH, Aug. 1998. Available: compressed postscript (76 KBytes).
  • Nektarios Papadakakis, Evangelos Markatos , and Athanasios E. Papathanassiou: Palantir: A Visualization Tool for the World Wide Web, In Proceedings of INET' 98 (The Internet Summit), Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998.
  • Evangelos Markatos , Catherine E. Chronaki : A Top-10 Approach to Prefetching on the Web, In Proceedings of INET' 98 (The Internet Summit), Geneva, Switzerland, July 1998.
  • Evangelos Markatos , Catherine E. Chronaki : A Top-10 Approach to Prefetching on the Web, Technical Report No. 173, August 1996, ICS-FORTH, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Available: compressed postscript (300 KBytes).
  • Evangelos P. Markatos : Main Memory Caching of Web Documents Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, volume 28, issues 7-11, pages 893-906, 1996. Also appeared in Proceedings of the Fifth International World Wide Web Conference, Paris, France, May 1996.
  • Evangelos P. Markatos , Catherine E. Chronaki : Caching, Prefetching and Coherence in the World Wide Web In ERCIM News No.25 - April 1996.
  • Tools:

    Palantir: real-time web traffic visualization
    USEwebNET: Combining USENET and the WEB

    Sponsors - Affiliations
    GSRT USENIX University of Crete
    GSRT The USENIX Association University of Crete