Evangelos P. Markatos and Manolis G.H. Katevenis
Institute of Computer Science (ICS)
Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
P.O.Box 1385, Science and Technology Park,
Heraklio, Crete, GR-711-10 GREECE
tel.: +30 (81) 391655 fax: +30 (81) 391671
Networks of workstations and high-performance microcomputers have been rarely used for running high-performance applications like multimedia, simulations, scientific and engineering applications, because, although they have significant aggregate computing power, they lack the support for efficient message-passing and shared-memory communication. In this paper we present Telegraphos, a distributed system that provides efficient shared-memory support on top of a workstation cluster. We focus on the network interface of Telegraphos that provides a variety of shared-memory operations like remote reads, remote writes, remote atomic operations, all launched from user level without any intervention of the operating system.
Telegraphos I, the first Telegraphos prototype has been implemented. Emphasis was put on rapid prototyping, so the technology used was conservative: FPGA's, SRAM's, and TTL buffers. Telegraphos II, is the single-chip version of the Telegraphos architecture; its switch was implemented and its network interface is being debugged.
Popular contemporary computing environments are comprised of powerful workstations connected via a network which, in many cases, may have a high throughput, giving rise to systems called workstation clusters or Networks of Workstations (NOWs) [1]. The availability of such computing and communication power gives rise to new applications like multimedia, high performance scientific computing, real-time applications, engineering design and simulation, and so on. Up to recently, only high performance parallel processors and supercomputers were able to satisfy the computing requirements that these applications need. Fortunately, modern networks of workstations connected by Gigabit networks have the ability to run most applications that run on supercomputers, at a reasonable performance, but at a significantly lower cost.
Traditional programming environments in networks of workstations have several limitations, and cannot be used to run modern parallel applications, because they induce significant overhead. For example, most traditional environments need the intervention of the operating system to make even the simplest exchange of information between workstations. Message passing systems like PVM [11] and P4 [6] are usually implemented on top of Unix sockets which require the intervention of the operating system for each message transfer. Shared-memory systems like Virtual Shared Memory [9, 10, 18, 19] are based on page-fault driven page replication and invalidation to provide the shared-memory illusion: when a process wants to access non-local shared data, it page faults, the operating system replicates the page locally, marks it shared, and resumes the faulted process. When a process wants to update shared data, first it traps into the operating system and invalidates all other copies of the page, and then makes its updates. Because of the software intervention, Virtual Shared Memory has been successfully used for applications that interact rather infrequently, using weak forms of consistency.
To facilitate the development of efficient programming environments on distributed systems, hardware-support is being added to existing workstation clusters. In the SHRIMP project for example [4], a local page can be mapped out to another page on another workstation. Updates to the local page are snooped by the SHRIMP interface which automatically sends them to the mapped out page. Thus, passing of messages is as fast as local writes. Encore's reflective memory and PRAM [24] use a similar approach. The NOW project [1] uses fast user-level message passing via Active Messages. Although the previously described systems for workstation clusters provide efficient message passing, they have limited support for shared memory.
In this paper, we present Telegraphos,
a distributed system that consists of network
interfaces and switches for efficient support of parallel and
distributed applications on a workstation cluster.
We call this project Telegraphos or
from the greek words
meaning remote,
meaning write, because
the central operation on Telegraphos is the remote write operation.
A remote write operation is triggered by a
simple store instruction, whose argument is a memory
address mapped on the physical memory of another workstation.
Telegraphos also provides remote read operations,
atomic operations (like
fetch_and_increment) on remote memory locations, and
a non-blocking fetch(remote,local) operation that
copies a remote memory location into a local one. Finally,
Telegraphos provides an eager-update multicast mechanism which
can be used to support
both multicasted message-passing, and update-based
coherent shared memory.
Telegraphos provides a variety of hardware primitives which if combined with appropriate software will result in efficient support for shared-memory applications.
To verify our architecture, we designed two prototypes of it, Telegraphos I and Telegraphos II. The first has already been built using low-integration, rapid-prototyping technology (FPGA and RAM); Telegraphos II switch has been built using ASIC technology, to achieve higher performance and integration [16, 17].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the network interface of Telegraphos, and its support for shared memory. Special attention is given in the implementation of atomic operations and of the multicast mechanism. Section 4 presents the implementation status of Telegraphos and some preliminary performance results. Section 3 describes related projects, and finally, section 5 summarizes and concludes the paper.
Efficient support for shared memory is vital for the performance of parallel
and distributed applications that run on networks of workstations .
Traditional computing environments on networks of
workstations either do not support shared-memory,
or provide software-supported
shared memory like Virtual Shared Memory (VSM) and
interrupt-driven remote memory accesses.
To avoid overhead sources related to software implementations of shared-memory primitives, we have designed, and implemented, Telegraphos, an architecture inspired by shared-memory multiprocessors, which avoids their high-cost components. Telegraphos provides load and store operations to pages that reside in memories of remote workstations. Thus, any workstation in a Telegraphos distributed system can directly access the memory of any other workstation in the same distributed system, provided that it has the right to. To enforce protection, the operating system maps remote pages to the page tables of those processes that have the right to access the specific remote pages.
Telegraphos I (shown in figure 1) consists of network interface boards that plug into the TurboChannel I/O bus of DEC Alpha workstations and switch boards that are connected by ribbon cables to each other and to network interfaces to form a high-speed network. The Telegraphos switches provide back-pressured flow control, deterministic routing, in-order delivery of packets, and deadlock freedom. More information about the switch architecture can be found in [16, 17].
Plugging the network interface on the I/O bus instead of the memory bus creates several challenging problems but makes the system more affordable for consumers. Almost all workstations and microcomputers provide extra slots in their I/O bus, while significantly fewer and rather expensive workstations and microcomputers provide available slots in their memory bus. Plugging the network interface of Telegraphos into the memory bus could potentially make the system more efficient, but would also severely limit its market and increase its cost.
Figure 1: Example of Telegraphos I prototype configuration.
The network interface or Host Interface Board (HIB) of Telegraphos is responsible for the implementation of the following shared-memory operations:
All remote accesses are performed via the TurboChannel of the DEC Alpha workstations on which Telegraphos HIB is plugged into. To make remote accesses visible to the HIB, remote addresses are mapped into physical addresses that correspond to the TurboChannel address space. The highest order bits of each physical address denote the node identification on which the physical memory location resides. When the HIB sees a read or write operation to a remote node, it sends a network packet with the read or write request to the HIB of the remote node. Read requests stall the processor until the data arrive from the remote node. Write requests do not stall the processor and release the TurboChannel as soon as the write request is latched by the HIB. Thus, remote writes are the most efficient operations on Telegraphos.
Mapping virtual to physical addresses is done by the operating system as follows:
The remote copy operation is similar to a non-blocking memory-to-memory
read operation. It copies the contents of a remote memory
location to a local memory location
. The
remote copy operation is launched from user level
(see section 2.2.4 below);
it returns control to the processor without
waiting for the completion of the operation.
To provide efficient synchronization of parallel applications, Telegraphos implements the fetch-and-store, fetch-and-inc, and compare-and-swap remote atomic operations.
Although remote read and write operations are launched as single
(load or store) instructions,
atomic operations as well as remote copy operations need a sequence of
instructions. These instructions must communicate to the HIB
the following information:
The two Telegraphos prototypes follow different approaches in dealing with these problems:
To communicate remote physical addresses to the HIB the processor performs store operations directly to those address. To make sure that the HIB does not perform the store operation issued by the processor, the HIB is first put in a special mode, by writing into a special HIB address. When the HIB is in special mode, it does not perform the remote read/write operations requested by its local processor, but instead interprets them as argument passing commands. Protection checking is done at the same time: if the user has no right to access an address, the TLB will catch it and a page fault will be generated. If the user has permission to write to these addresses, the TLB will make the virtual to physical translation without generating a page-fault, the store request will be send to the TURBOchannel where the HIB will latch the physical address and use it as an argument to the special operation.
To solve the second problem (no interruption) we write
the sequence of writes followed by the read in PAL code
a special mode of execution provided by the
Alpha processor. A sequence of PAL
code instructions is guaranteed to be executed uninterrupted.
Because only the super-user has the right to install PAL code,
and only at boot-time,
the naive or malicious user can not tamper with the HIB
and compromise the security of the system.
If the process attempts to access an invalid memory location inside the PAL
code, a page fault will be generated, the process will (probably)
be terminated and the HIB will be restored into a clean state .
To overcome the use of PAL code, and the need for a special mode, we use the notions of Telegraphos contexts and shadow addressing [13]: A Telegraphos context is just a set of registers that hold the arguments of the special operations. These contexts are mapped in the virtual address space of applications, so that an application can write directly to them; an application that attempts to write to a Telegraphos context it is not allowed to, will immediately take a page fault.
Applications that want to launch a special operation write the arguments (using a sequence of uncached writes) in their Telegraphos contexts and complete the special operation with an access to a special HIB register. If, however, an application needs to pass a physical address as an argument to a special operation, this is done using the notion of shadow addressing [13]. For each virtual address that maps into a physical address, we introduce a shadow virtual address that maps into a shadow physical address. An address differs from its shadow only in the highest bit. When a user application wants to pass a physical address to the Telegraphos HIB to be used as an argument to a special operation, it issues a store operation to its corresponding shadow virtual address. Telegraphos latches this store operation, gets the physical address, strips the highest order bit, and uses the remaining address as an argument to a special operation.
The argument of the store instruction contains the identification of the Telegraphos context where the physical address is to be placed, along with a key that verifies that the process issuing the store instruction is allowed to use this Telegraphos context. This combination of Telegraphos contexts, keys, and shadow addressing, albeit a little complicated, it manages to translate a virtual address to its corresponding physical one, and pass it to the network interface in a secure way, all in one store instruction issued from user-level.
If an application gets interrupted while launching a special operation, the Telegraphos contexts preserve their contents, so that the special operation will be launched when the application is resumed.
Launching of operations that need more than one instruction is a problem faced by all systems that need to provide operations that are not included in the processors instruction set.
The simplest way to launch an atomic operation is to invoke the operating system, which checks the validity of the addresses, passes the arguments to the HIB and returns the result, all uninterrupted. The obvious drawback of this approach is that special operations pay the overhead of an operating system trap, plus the page table lookup.
In SHRIMP [4] special operations are launched using the notion of virtual memory mapped commands. For each virtual memory page mapped to a shared physical page, there exists another virtual page (called command page) which is mapped to physical address space but not to physical memory. Accesses to a command page are not executed as regular load or store operations, but as special operations to pages that the command pages correspond to. For example, send operations based on DMA transfers are launched using accesses to the command pages that correspond to the pages to be transferred.
The FLASH [13] multiprocessor uses a programmable network interface on which a rich variety of special (programmable) operations may be supported. Communication of addresses and other information is done by using a sequence of uncached writes followed by a read to the network interface. To communicate physical addresses, FLASH uses an approach similar to virtual memory mapped commands. Because the multi-instruction sequences that FLASH uses may be interrupted at any time, FLASH uses one operation record for each process. To maintain information across context switches and ensure authenticity, the FLASH operating system saves and restores a PID (process id) register on the network interface on every context switch. Thus, all accesses to the shadow address space place the physical address they communicate into the context that corresponds to the process indicated by the PID register at the network interface. Unfortunately, saving and restoring even a single PID during context switches, involves modification of the interrupt handler which implies that a significant part of the operating system (along with the appropriate licenses) has to be distributed along with the architecture. Although this maybe a reasonable approach for a new multiprocessor like FLASH, it is out the question for a network interface like Telegraphos, because most of the potential Telegraphos users just want a device driver to install in their systems that use Telegraphos, and may not be willing (or able) to download a new operating system into their computers. To overcome these problems, Telegraphos uses a key which provides authenticity of the process that requests the special operation. Store operations to shadow address space place the physical address they communicate to the context indicated by highest bits of the argument of the store operation. The lowest bits of the argument of the store operation constitute a key, that provides security and authenticity. Only processes that know the key that corresponds to a specific context can write physical addresses into that context.
The HIB maintains two counters for each remote sharable page: one that counts read operations and one that counts write operations. When the processor accesses the page remotely, the corresponding counter is decremented (unless the counter is zero). When the counter is decremented from one to zero, an interrupt is sent to the operating system. By setting the counters to very large values and periodically reading them, the system can monitor the page access, find hot-spots, display statistics, and provide useful information for profiling, performance monitoring and visualization tools. By setting the counters to small values, the operating system can implement alarm-based replication: when the number of accesses exceeds a predetermined value, the operating system is notified in order to make a replication decision [5]. Our simulation studies suggest that page access counters improve the performance of distributed shared memory applications [22], and of remote memory paging systems [21].
Several parallel applications have a producer/consumer style of communication where one process computes some data, which are subsequently used by one or more other processes. To reduce the read latency of the consumer processors it is convenient to send to them the data that they will use as early as possible. To facilitate this style of communication, Telegraphos provides an eager update - multicast mechanism: Each local page can be mapped out to one or more remote pages. Every update made by the processor to the local page is transparently sent to all remote pages, much like remote write operations. This mechanism can be used both in message passing and in shared-memory programming paradigms.
When multiple processors update simultaneously their own copy of the same page and multicast their updates to the other processors, the pages may end up with different values. Figure 2 illustrates how this can happen.
Figure 2: Inconsistency caused by multicasting in the lack of ownership.
The inconsistency just described is the result of the fact that
there is no particular order in which the updates are
performed .
Thus, updates are performed in different order in various nodes,
resulting in different final values for the ``copies'' of the
same page. To alleviate this inconsistency, we assume that
for each page there is a single node which is the ``owner'' of the page.
All updates to the copies of a page are initiated from the owner
of the page, which defines the order in which all updates will be
performed. This also assumes a network that delivers packets in-order
from a certain source to a certain destination.
When a processor writes into a page it does not own, the write operation must be forwarded to the owner of the page. The owner must then multicast the update to all copies of the page (these multicast operations are called reflected writes). At the owner processor, multiple writes to the same word arrive in some particular order; by definition, this is the order in which all copies should see these writes. The owner is responsible for multicasting all packets for the same update at the same time. If a second update for the same word arrives in between, all of the new packets should be multicasted after all of the previous packets are sent. Since the Telegraphos network delivers packets in-order, we are assured that all copies of the page will see the two updates in the same order, and we will be left with consistent copies.
Besides maintaining consistency in the presence of multiple writers, this scheme also implies that only the owner of a page needs to hold and maintain the full list of all processors that have copies of the page. This significantly reduces the OS overhead when pages are copied, and also economizes space in the Telegraphos directories. However, not performing all write operations immediately on the local memory, but rather sending them to the owner first, introduces new problems, as discussed below.
The existence of an owner for each page enforces all updates to be performed in the same order to all copies of the page, but it introduces a new problem:
Suppose that a processor P has a local copy of a shared variable M, but it is not the owner of the page in which M resides. Suppose that the initial value of the variable was 0. The processor executes the assignment statement M=1, which sends the new value to the owner, and then P immediately reads M before the owner sends the update M=1 back. If the processor P reads M=0, it will be an error: The processor reads something different from what it just wrote.
One solution (with non-trivial performance cost) is to stall the read operation issued by P until the update M=1 comes back from the owner, but this would make several shared-memory local read operations quite slow. A better option is to let the processor read the new value that it has just written into M, by both immediately performing all local writes, and also sending them to the owner, which will multicast them to all copies (including our own). Unfortunately, this solution introduces a new problem. Consider the following scenario:
We have devised a novel solution that addresses all previously stated problems and makes sure that each processor sees a consistent view of shared memory. The intuition is as follows: During the time interval in which a processor has written a value to a shared-memory variable, but has not received the respective reflected write from the owner, it can just ignore all writes to this variable that come from the network. The reason why processor P can safely ignore all such writes is the following: Suppose that processor P has written a value v to a shared-memory location M. Suppose also, that P has sent the update to the owner O of the page, but has not yet received the multicast of its own update. Thus, any update that P receives from the network must have reached the owner O before v (otherwise the multicast for v would have arrived to P). Thus, all updates that arrive from the network are ``older'' than v, and there is no use in performing these updates onto variable M.
To implement the above solution, in a first,
simple design, we need the following hardware:
Each node P
keeps, along with each memory word, N ( ) extra bits, which are
used to count the number of ``pending writes,''
i.e. writes performed by the processor P whose
respective multicasts (to be sent by the owner)
have not yet been received by P. The counter should have enough
bits to measure the maximum number of ``pending writes'' a processor
is allowed.
The details of the protocol are as follows:
To implement the above protocol, we should provide a counter for each memory location. The counter should be large enough to hold the maximum number of outstanding write operations to any single memory location a processor may have. Fortunately, we do not need to keep all these counters around at any time. Keeping only a small subset of them is enough as we will show in the next section.
The run-time overhead associated with the above protocol is:
Finally, the mentioned overhead is only paid for those operations that result in a network packet, hence their rate is bounded by the network throughput.
If the system reserved one counter for each memory location, it would spend a large percentage of memory to store counters. Fortunately, there is a small number of counters that the protocol may need at any time: only the non-zero counters are needed, which correspond to the outstanding writes that a processor may have at any time. Thus, we can use a small fast cache to hold the values of these counters:
Implementation of this cache of counters is under consideration for future versions of Telegraphos. In our first prototype, Telegraphos I, we have not implemented this cache, because we wanted to reduce the hardware complexity and the design time. Parallel applications that have at least one synchronization operation between two concurrent writes will run on top of Telegraphos I without a problem. Unfortunately, applications that have chaotic accesses may not run correctly, as their concurrent writes are not protected by synchronization. To make these applications run correctly, without our proposed cache of counters, we would have to protect their chaotic accesses with synchronization operations, which would decrease their performance.
Regardless of replication and the coherence protocol that may be used, all systems (like Telegraphos) that achieve fast write operations by acknowledging them immediately, may suffer from memory inconsistencies. Suppose for example that no replication is supported, and that variable flag resides on one processor, while variable data resides on another. Suppose also that processors A and B communicate with each other in the following producer/consumer style:
Processor A Processor B write(data) write(flag) while(flag != OK) /* spin */; read(data)Although the write(flag) operations starts after the write(data) operation, it is possible that the flag variable is written before the data variable is written, because the communication path to the processor containing variable flag may be faster. Thus, processor B may read the new value of the flag and then read the old value of the data, effectively reading stale data. To remedy the situation, Telegraphos provides a FENCE or MEMORY_BARRIER operation. When a processor issues a MEMORY_BARRIER operation it is stalled until all its outstanding write operations have been completed.
Processor A Processor B write(data) UNLOCK(flag) LOCK(flag) read(data)The write(flag) operation is now substituted by the UNLOCK(flag) operation which also contains a FENCE operation This approach makes synchronization more expensive, but keeps the cost of remote write operations low.
Although the multicast mechanism provided by Telegraphos can decrease the read latency of applications that use a producer-consumer style of communication, it may not be appropriate for applications that have different communication patterns, which may prefer an invalidate-based memory coherence protocol, or may even prohibit page replication all together, and thus eliminate the need for memory coherence. Telegraphos leaves such decisions entirely to software, and only provides mechanisms (page access counters, multicasting) that will help the system software in making correct decisions. If the software decides that the application has a producer/consumer style of communication, Telegraphos provides an efficient hardware mechanism to support it. Thus, instead of forcing the software to follow a particular coherence protocol, Telegraphos provides a variety of mechanisms that support, to a different extent, various coherence approaches.
Update-based coherence protocols are not widespread because they are difficult to implement in large scale systems. A notable exception is the Galactica Net [15] system which implements an update-based memory coherence protocol. The protocol links all processors that share a page into a sharing ring. If two processors update the same memory location at about the same time, they will eventually notice it, because both updates will traverse the ring, and they will eventually reach both updating processors. Then, the lowest priority processor will back off. This as described in [15] guarantees that in the case where two or more processors attempt to write the same memory location at about the same time, the final value of the memory location that all processors see is the same.
Suppose for example, that one processor writes the value ``1" to a variable, while at the same time another processor writes the value ``2" to the same variable. Then under the Galactica protocol, it is possible that a third processor sees the sequence ``1,2,1" which is a sequence that is not a valid program sequence under any memory consistency model. The protocol that we describe in this paper avoids this inconsistency. It makes sure that both processors read ``1", or ``2", or ``1,2", or ``2,1" which are all valid sequences, but no processor ever reads ``1,2,1".
Although networks of workstations may have an (aggregate) computing power comparable to that of supercomputers (while costing significantly less), they have rarely been used to support high-performance computing, because communication on them has traditionally been very expensive. There have been several projects to provide efficient communication primitives in networks of workstations via a combination of hardware and software: PRAM [24], MERLIN [20], Galactica Net [14], Memory Channel [12], Hamlyn [7], NOW [1], and SHRIMP [4] provide efficient message passing on networks of workstations based on memory-mapped interfaces. Their shared-memory support, though, is limited because several of them do not provide atomic (and special) operations like Telegraphos does. Most of them do not even provide read operations to remote memory modules. Remote read operations should be done by replicating the page locally, making a local read, and then, either discarding the local copy, or keeping it coherent, paying the cost of memory coherence.
There have also been several implementations of software-only approaches that provide the shared-memory abstraction on a workstation cluster [3, 8, 9, 10, 18, 23]. Telegraphos builds on top of these approaches by providing hardware mechanisms (remote read/write, page access counters, multicasting), which can significantly help the system software in providing an efficient shared-memory system.
Thus, Telegraphos is an integrated hardware and software solution for shared-memory support in a workstation cluster. It provides the same functionality and efficiency as shared-memory multiprocessors, but at a significantly lower cost.
Work on the Telegraphos architecture started in mid-1993. At the moment of this writing (November 1995), two prototypes of the architecture are in different stages of the implementation process. Telegraphos I has been implemented. Several operations work, and the rest are being cleaned out of the last bugs. (see figure 3).
Table 1 lists the approximate gate-count equivalent of the random logic in the various blocks of the Telegraphos I HIB; memory sizes are also shown. As seen, the portion of the network interface that is necessary for supporting shared memory is very small: 2700 gates and a few kilobits of memory. Most of it is responsible for atomic operations, while the rest is responsible for page access counters and multicasting. Telegraphos I also uses a few megabits of directory SRAM, which will usually have to reside off-chip. If the ownership-counter-based protocol is implemented in future versions of Telegraphos, the directory size will be significantly reduced.
Figure 3: Photograph of Telegraphos I Network Interface
Although Telegraphos I is still being debugged, it is stable enough to run simple experiments that measure the performance of its basic operations: remote read, and remote write.
Our experimental hardware consists of two DEC 3000 model 300 workstations connected with the Telegraphos Network. We started one application on one workstation that makes remote memory accesses to the other workstation's HIB. Remote read and write access are issued using ordinary load and store operations. After starting the application, we measured the latency of remote read and write operations by performing 10000 operations. Our measured results are:
We see that remote write operations are very efficient:
they take less than a microsecond. The reason is that
Telegraphos acknowledges a write operation
as soon as its is written onto the local
HIB. Thus, applications that want to send
small messages can do that very efficiently.
Short batches of write operations execute even faster.
For example, a stream of 100 remote write operations
takes less than 50 , thus each of the
remote write operations takes less than 0.5
The reason is that long batches of write operations
are eventually performed at the network
transfer rate, while
short batches of write operations may take advantage of
Telegraphos queueing. However, the net result is that
the programmer sees that a remote write operation takes
less than 0.5
Remote read operations are less efficient: they take a few microseconds, because they need to talk to the remote HIB, read the result, communicate it to the local HIB, to the TURBOchannel, and eventually to the processor which remains blocked throughout the entire operation.
Table 1: Gate Count for Telegraphos I HIB
In this paper we described Telegraphos, a system for efficient support of shared-memory applications on top of a workstation cluster. Telegraphos provides a variety of shared-memory operations like remote read, remote write, prefetch, and eager-updating. No software is involved in performing all shared-memory operations, apart from the initialization phase that maps the shared pages, so that each processor can only access memory that is allowed to.
In our first prototype implementation, the Telegraphos I network interface (HIB) board plugs into the TurboChannel I/O bus of DEC Alpha 3000 model 300 (Pelican) workstations. All workstations are connected with ribbon cables and switches. Telegraphos I has been implemented and is being cleaned out of the last bugs. Telegraphos II, a single chip prototype, is being designed.
Telegraphos provides hardware support for the necessary shared-memory operations (like remote read/write and coherence messages), while leaving complicated coherence decisions to software and to users that are willing to pay the cost of coherence if they are going to benefit from it. Telegraphos provides comparable efficiency to that of shared-memory multiprocessors because it provides in hardware several of the primitives first implemented in shared-memory multiprocessors, but has significantly lower cost because (i) it does not implement hardware cache-coherence, and (ii) it uses existing workstations for computing power and main memory support.
Telegraphos is a system inspired by large-scale multiprocessors, but avoids their high costs. Thus, it can be used to develop affordable parallel processing systems in the form of workstation clusters.
Telegraphos: High-Performance Networking
for Parallel Processing on Workstation Clusters
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